Ich bin Deborah.
Schaut euch meine Arbeiten
an oder lest meinen Blog.

Linksammlung: Datensicherheit, soziale Netzwerke und sicheres Mailing

Recherche. [Ein Versuch, Tabs zu minimieren und Gedanken zu ordnen.]

What is the problem, exactly?

Decentralized Social Networks: Federation vs. Distribution

Solution: peer-to-peer (P2P) networks with all the social functions

  • Idea as I understood it: An open framework using open protocols to distribute encrypted parts of shared data on multiple devices of connected people who know each other; arbitrary applications can use these frameworks to decrypt the data only on the users device to display and interact with them without constraints and freely extendable
  • GNUnet – a framework for decentralized, peer-to-peer networking
  • Secure Share – an end-to-end encryption framework using GNUnet and PSYC, Feature Comparison with Friendica and Facebook
  • RetroShare providing filesharing, chat, messages, forums and channels – installation under Ubuntu [Quelle]:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:csoler-users/retroshare-snapshots
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install retroshare
  • What else? No system already got all the features federated services like Friendica provide.

Who else is dedicated (highly incomplete, as I said: reducing open tabs)

Secure Mailing

  • Usage of a service that stores only encrypted mails.
    • Lavabit: Enhanced account ($8 / year) – mail storage is asymmetrically encrypted (details)
  • Using a home server with software that encrypts mails

Encrypting data on a home server (Ubuntu)

Possible steps to enhance personal privacy

  1. Always think twice
  2. Use the Facebook Logout function
  3. Refuse to use Facebook for private messaging
  4. Find or create alternative systems to migrate from Google Services by keeping most of the functionality you use
  5. Use or help to create an alternative social network system to Facebook
  6. Give it a try.

Comments and hints are highly appreciated.


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