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.raindrops – a flowerful installation

The aim is to water abstract plants with raindrops coming from the top of the projection. Furthermore the installation stays awake even without a person acting in some way. It uses random factors and also environment sounds to create a living world.

Bystanders can interfere the performers action by making sounds which is also tracked and reflected by the application. You don’t need anything special to run it, just a standard webcam.

This project arised from the idea of spending one week while semester break for creative coding – in the end there has been three productive weeks resulting in an application you can check out watching this video:

.raindrops was developed by Martin Herrmann, Brian Eschrich and myself. We are happy it has grown in appeal. It looks like we are presenting .raindrops at the Anemic festival and to students from Prague. There is another report about the project on Sputnik Dresden, 6.Oktober 2010.

Downloads and further information:



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