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Linux Console Snippets

Absolutely random compilation of things I need to remember. Might grow.

How to mount USB stick [source]

  1. Find the drive identifier after plugging the USB stick in (something like /dev/sdc1) sudo fdisk -l
  2. Create folder to mount the drive and mount it there sudo mkdir /media/usb-stick
    sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/usb-stick

How to find files in packages

  • .. How to find files in installed packages, e.g. if you are looking for a source file called xyz.h: dpkg --search xyz.h
  • .. How to find files in available packages that might be not installed:sudo apt-get install apt-file
    apt-file update
    apt-file search xyz.h

Backup and restore GPG keys [source]

  1. List public GPG keys: gpg --list-keysThe key_id is the part after something like “pub 1024D/”.
  2. Export public GPG key: gpg -ao xyz-public.key --export key_id
  3. List secret GPG keys: gpg --list-secret-keysThe key_id is the part after something like “sec 1024D/”.
  4. Export secret GPG key: gpg -ao xyz-private.key --export-secret-keys key_id
  5. Restore GPG keys: gpg --import xyz-public.key
    gpg --import xyz-private.key

Backup and restore installed packages

  1. Save installed packages as list in file:dpkg --get-selections > selections.txt
  2. Install package list from file:
    dpkg --set-selections < selections.txt
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get upgrade

Network usage

  • Bandwidth usage by program How much bandwith is used by running programs:
    sudo nethogs wlan0
  • Traffic in local network
    sudo iftop -i wlan0
  • Port usage by program
    sudo netstat -taupen

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Posts from "Blog":

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